We help take the guesswork out of surgical planning by giving you the peace of mind and insight needed to make knowledgeable health care decisions.

In an effort to make your planning easier, we have listed the most common surgeries we perform at the clinic along with our prices.

Please understand these numbers are an estimate and may not include the initial consultation, facility fee or anesthesiologist’s fee. Other services not included can vary on prices, but associates would be happy to discuss your treatment options.

The list of procedures on this website is a partial list of procedures available. If the procedure you believe you require is not listed on this website, feel free to call us at 307-682-7555 to inquire about availability and pricing. 

We are proud to show you our estimated prices for our most common procedures.


Acid Reflux

Laparoscopic Est. Price: $3,983.00


Appendix (Lap Appy)

Laparoscopic Est. Price: $2,763.00



Lumpectomy w/ Biopsy: $1,346.00
Needle Localization: $1,803.00



Est. Price: $1,326.00
Est. Price: $1,602.00 w/ biopsy


Endoscopy (EGD)

Est. Price: $1,204.00
Est. Price w/ biopsy: $1,395.00



PH Bravo & Placement Est. Price: $259.00


Gall Bladder (Lap Chole)

Laparoscopic Est. Price: $4,535.00
Est. Price w/ Cholangiogram: $4,843.00



Inguinal Est. Price: $3,522.00
Ventral Est. Price: $2,963.00
Abdominal Est. Price: $1,005.00 & up (charged by size)
Laparoscopic Est. Price: $4,590.00

Incision & Drainage

Est. Price: $239.00

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Port Placement/Removal

Port Placement Est. Price: $1,660.00
Port Removal Est. Price: $1,151.00

Thyroid Removal

Est. Price: $3,667.00



If you have additional questions, please call to speak to one of our associates.
